The Pier chats with Eric Swanson about his new single, “Medicine” — out now via Stoopid Records and Silverback music and featuring members of Slightly Stoopid.

TP: What was the inspiration for the song
ES: I originally came up with the concept for “Medicine“ on a drive out to the beach on my scooter. Nice sunny day and the wind blowing on the Gulf of Mexico.
As the concept developed I started thinking about the unconventional healing that music can bring to someone. Like a good laugh or a good cry can bring things into perspective. Same for music. Windows down and the music loud is sometimes just what the doctor ordered.
TP: What was it like working with Slightly Stoopid (and which band member was it?)?
ES: I can’t say enough kind words about Slightly Stoopid, and what they mean to my life. At this point we’re all brothers, so we function as such. We all have a very relaxed vibe around each other. Each one of them is so talented that simply creating anything sonically comes out sounding good.
Paul Wolstencroft, James Wisner and I were at breakfast like two years ago and I told them about the concept and the song and that I had some lyrics and a melody. We went back to Stoopid Records and started recording. Paul layed down keys first over the guitar I think. Initially we had a reggae vibe for it. After some time passed and I worked through the track, the song started becoming more of a ballad. Sometimes when you’re writing you have to let the body of work become what it was meant to be, not force it in a box you think it belongs in. At some point I sent it to Andy Geib and he had a couple really cool horn ideas to compliment the melodies.
It all really came together when Ryan Moran played drums on it.
It started to really feel like something. Oguer Ocon then added the percussion that warmed up the track and gave it a oceany vibe. He is really good at adding those small things that really make big impacts.

TP: Any cool fun facts about recording/writing?
ES: I really let this song air out for a while. Meaning, I listened back to it alot over time and I sent it to several other writers for their opinions. I’m truly blessed to have a great circle of creatives I call friends. Angela Hunte gave me some feedback one day. She had some really cool melodic ideas for the chorus. I couldn’t not listen. I got back into the studio and I tried a couple versions of the ideas out, but ultimately I settled on the original chorus section I had. That said, there are actually three alternate versions of the song “Medicine” including the original reggae draft. They have completely different vibes and structures. Not sure if that’s a fun fact lol.
TP: Any plans to play the song live?
I play the song all the time. Always will. I think people can identify with the healing power of music no matter what genre it is. Even our hearts beat in rhythm.
It’s my hopes one day that I can perform it with the Stoopid guys