INTERVIEW: California Roots Music & Arts Festival


In it’s 6th year, California Roots Music & Arts Festival continues it’s momentum as I had a chance to catch up with founder Jeff Monser and talent buyer Dan Sheehan to discuss the festivals influence and growth. We spoke over the phone for about an hour and 20minutes on an array of topics that included Roots music, a bucket-list line-up, Cali’s water drought, the economic boom to the city of Monterrey, American & Jamaican reggae, the Carolina Sessions, adding a new festival to the yearly calendar, tips for attending the festival as well as the subject of fans being allowed to bring in their selfie-sticks.

The last time we caught up with Jeff and Dan for an interview was back in March of 2013 when our own Kit Chalberg spoke with them for what would end up being our Behind The Curtain article on the Cali-Roots festival. This feature was also published in the Program of the 4th Annual Cali-Roots festival. If you’re interested in getting caught up on the history of Cali-Roots, I recommend reading that first before diving into this interview. You can read that by clicking HERE! Come back and enjoy the interview…

Interview with Jeff Monser & Dan Sheehan of California Roots Music & Arts Festival

The Pier: This year you guys added a lot of first time quality performers to Cali-Roots with John Butler Trio, Dilated Peoples, The Roots, Michael Franti, Chronixx from Jamaica, The Skints from East London, yet we still see remarks from fans that not enough Roots-Reggae groups are being included in a festival that has Roots Music in the title. One fan acknowledged and asked: It seems the trend over the past few years is to incorporate more non-reggae, generic festival regulars into the lineup – is there a long term strategy to turn Cali Roots into something different than it has been? And if so, why?

Dan: I think the long-term strategy is definitely for progression. I think in order to keep the festival fresh and keep it current; we kind of have to mix in some of these acts. Fans kind of think sometimes, they see the word ‘Roots’ they automatically go to Roots-Reggae. When Jeff started this festival, the intent was never to be a Reggae Roots festival. We’ve had a couple roots reggae artists over the years, but to be DavidNorrisDonCarlosCaliRoots013 (8)honest, I think the younger generation gets mixed up on what Roots Reggae is, you know? Like we love Rebelution, but Rebelution is not roots reggae. I mean Don Carlos is Roots Reggae, Israel Vibrations is Roots Reggae, Burning Spear is Roots Reggae and that’s never been the direction of the festival. We’re willing to mix it in so the kids can get a better idea of where Reggae and the roots of it originated from, but California Roots doesn’t stand for Roots Reggae.

And it’s fair to say too, by bringing in a lot of these outside of the reggae genre groups, like a Cypress Hill, The Roots, Dialated Peoples, John Butler Trio – You’re also attracting a lot of their fans that come to discover some of these reggae-rock groups, which I think brings more awareness to the genre as a whole…

Dan: Absolutely and that was another goal. A John Butler fan will come in and see Tribal Seeds for the first time. Or The Roots fan will see the Dirty Heads for the first time. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to kind of keep movement going…

Jeff: Like what Dan says about Don Carlos, Israel Vibrations; A lot of the younger people know the Marley’s, but not a lot of them are in touch with the roots reggae. So when we do mix that up, it’s kind of a treat. We’re trying to open the eyes of the younger generation to the older roots reggae of what is really roots reggae, you know?

And Jeff, as Dan said, the whole intention of when you founded and created this festival, it wasn’t intended for Roots-Reggae music. What would you say the goal was with incorporating Roots and where the misconception might be?

Jeff: Well the misconception is obviously with the word Roots. The word Roots is taken so many different ways, but if you actually look it up in the dictionary, I mean where does it say anything ‘Reggae’ in it? Roots is actually an anchoring point; I mean that’s where it originates from. For me, I’m a Cali boy, that’s where I’m from born and raised. For some of the fans it’s the Roots-Reggae, so in their eyes we’re doing something, sometimes wrong because we have the name of Roots which if you read what Roots actually is, it’s not just a reggae thing…

Dan: There’s a mixture of folk music, Americana, roots revival and obviously roots reggae. I think that’s where fans always kind of get things mixed up. If you look at all of our branding and our poster-art, we’re not heavy into the Lion of Judah, the reggae flags – and that’s by design.

The other part of the confusion with Roots and it’s in inclusion with Cali, is that some fans think of it as more of homage to that Cali-Reggae sound that was initially made popular in the ‘90’s by Sublime and the 3rd wave Ska movement or just any group that Sublime would associate themselves with. With that in mind, have there been talks of bringing on more Ska or even some Punk headliners to the line up? Groups Like a Reel Big Fish, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, or perhaps Rancid, NOFX, RX Bandits? Are there any plans to bring more Ska to the festival in the future?

Dan: I would love to book Reel Big Fish, I think Reel Big Fish is an awesome band. Streetlight Manifesto, I CaliRootsCrowdmean stuff like that would be a great fit into what we’re doing. We’ve talked about The Aggrolites before, but we realized we haven’t booked all that much ska.

Jeff: Fishbone is a great one of those bands…

Dan: Yeah, Fishbone, Beebs, we definitely have some Ska in there, but who knows, Reel Big Fish could be a possibility here down the line. NOFX, I mean that’s a good question (haha)

Jeff: And if you really look at the line up too and over the years, from year 1 to now, you would actually see that there is more now than there ever has been. We’re mixing it up now. There’s more Hip-Hop than there ever has been, there’s more jam-band than there ever has been. We’re not just trying to, I don’t want to say pigeon-hole us, but it’s not just one type or style of music. That’s the whole thing with California Roots too, it’s like Roots music is different, it’s like Jam-Band music can be roots music to somebody, same with Country. Who’s to say what Roots music is to somebody? For a lot of us, the California Style, that’s what Roots music is, a lifestyle. You’re at the beach, you’re at the mountains. I mean that’s what we love about it, you know?

Alright, fair enough. Well, give us an idea of what an ideal line-up would be for both of you. I know booking bands can be tough & have its limitations, but without any limits, which bands would you’d ideally love to book for the festival?

Jeff: This is so far-fetched, but I’d love to get something like a Rage Against The Machine back together. I’d love to throw in a Red Hot Chili-Peppers or a Jack Johnson. Those are three right off the top of my head that on any given day, I’d probably jump at those 3 for sure.

Dan: I definitely agree with that. You know earlier in the booking process, I did look at Tom Marello, but that was impossible just because he isn’t working. Rage, I mean that’s next level right there. An international artist that we looked at this year that didn’t work out was someone like Manu Chao. He’s not extremely popular among our demographic, but he’s a monster in his own right. I’ve been trying to get Fat Freddy’s Drop for the last 3 years, but timing and they travel so big, it just hasn’t worked out yet! Or Jack Johnson would be huge; it’s just a matter of price tag. No Doubt would be something that would be pretty cool…

Jeff: Incubus!

Dan: Yeah, Incubus, or even SEEED from Germany, some of these bands that never really played the US. Then you obviously have your bigger bands, like you mentioned. It’s really hard to say.

You know when we spoke a few years ago in our Behind The Curtain feature, you mentioned some names that were on your bucket-list back then with Michael Franti, John Butler Trio, you’ve mentioned The Marley’s and you’ve since hosted all of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if over the next couple of years, half the groups you just mentioned end up being announced. Another thing you mentioned as a point of interest to us back then was DavidNorrisZiggyMarleyCaliRoots014-6hosting a Marley day with all the Marley brothers in Damian, Stephen, Ziggy or even the next generation with Bambaata and Jo Mersa Marley. Is that still a discussion you guys revisit each year in trying to secure a Marley Day?

Dan: Unless it’s an authorized Marley event, they won’t do it. We can’t build a lineup and create this Marley day; it would have to be something that would be traveling as a package. Or it would be like 9 Mile – that’s their festival. Damian & Stephen can happen on the same day, but when you throw Ziggy in the mix, then there’s definitely some family stuff that you have to kind of maneuver around.

And that maneuvering around seems to be the case between the American and Jamaican reggae bands. You don’t see a lot of American Reggae bands performing out in Jamaica. Like Rebelution is a huge reggae band in America, but they aren’t headlining any festivals or events in Jamaica. And likewise, have you notice more of a struggle in booking Jamaican reggae artists for an American Reggae Festival?

Dan: I mean, yeah, I prefer to deal with a Paradigm or a William Morris agency or something like that instead of a… and I’m not saying all agents out of Jamaica are bad by any means because that’s not true at all, but the business is done differently. And dealing with some of these Jamaican acts, like Chronixx, they’re with a big agency now so that was an easier transition for us to work with. Alborosie is with a bigger one, Steel Pulse, I mean not Jamaican, but when they’re with a bigger agency, it makes it a little easier to deal just because there’s accountability there. If someone doesn’t make a flight or if they don’t get their Visa and we sent our deposits in, we get our money back because it’s in an escrow account at the agency. If you’re dealing with an agency that’s not as established, then if you send your deposit in and they don’t make it into the country, I’m not saying you’re not going to get your money back, but it’s definitely not going to be as easy as them just wiring it back to you. So there have been some challenges with that. I know SOJA’s played with the Jamaican Jazz & Blues Fest so I think that was a huge step. So there is a little bit more of this kind of cross-over and younger artists like Protoje and Chronixx, I mean they’re doing Social Media properly which a lot of these Jamaican artists don’t do. But I think an artist I’d like to look at next year would be Raging Fyah out of Jamaica. Rootz Underground has done some stuff with Rebelution and SOJA and stuff, but you’re right, there’s not much Jamaican and American tours going on…

I know VP Records was trying to bridge that gap a few years ago, or they still are, with the cross-over collaborations they did in putting out the Dub Rockers compilation, which I think was a step in the right direction. Being in your position with Cali-Roots, what do you see as a solution in bridging that gap in seeing more of that cross-over with a lot of the American and Jamaican artists?

Dan: There’s a gap that needs to be bridged, what needs to be done to do that? That’s the million dollar question. I’ve worked with a ton of Jamaican artists before I was doing California Roots. I was doing my own shows with the Junior Reeds, the Wailing Souls and Itals and a lot of times I think there’s that lack of trust issues. Jamaican artists don’t necessarily trust the Americans and the American promoters and American bands, so there’s always been kind of a divide there. But what are we going to do to bridge that gap? I think that’s a good question. I think a lot of it has to do with the Jamaican acts need to tour more, they need to get into the country and tour. The other side of that is they can go to Europe, get paid a lot more and that type of reggae is a lot larger in Europe than it is in America. A lot of these artists, DanSheehanlike Protoje, I mean he just did 2,000 people in the UK and I think we did about 450-500 at the Catalyst (in Santa Cruz, CA). It’s a completely different beast for them in Europe. In Europe, they’re still doing their thing a lot stronger than they are in the American market.

Interesting and I was curious to get your input because if there was a promotion team that could help facilitate that exchange, it would be Cali-Roots because of the momentum and influential growth with the festival in America. I mean we read that last year’s Cali-Roots festival; fans spent an approximate $8.4 million to the benefit of Monterrey County last May! That includes accommodations, food and beverages, entertainment, retail, transportation, including $1.2million in taxes and Monterrey County’s economic output increased by a whopping $12.1million. When you look at numbers like that, it’s hard to ignore, especially thirsty acts from Jamaica. I’m sure you all had your challenges in growing this company to be branching out to where it is today, what are some of the challenges now with the rising financial success of Cali-Roots?

Dan: Mo’ money mo’ problems (haha!)… It’s a very true statement, its more money, more problems and I mean it’s not problems in a bad way, but problems when the buck stops with Jeff and I. We’re in charge of this company and we have full time employees. We have people who are depending on us. It’s not like our talent budget is going down and we’re under more of a microscope now. We’re dealing with high taxes and fees from everybody. Keeping up with the growth is definitely a challenge as well…

Jeff: Dan is right, especially with our employees, that’s one of the biggest challenges. Obviously there are challenges every year with putting on the shows. With the financial success, we have to bring on more employees and as Dan said, it’s not just the well-being of Dan & I anymore, it’s the well-being of a whole team now. I mean there’s so much on the plate with all of these directions we’re going in. We have a core team of 5 of us and we’re all running around with our heads cut off. But that’s the challenge right now, how to juggle it all! The shows are the fun part, it’s all the prep work and how you take care of your staff that’s a challenge; having to find that happy medium with keeping us happy as partners as well as all of the employees – Keeping the wheels turning…

Dan: Yup! A lot of the day to day is just managing now. We’re managing our team and kind of just managing operations. It’s changed a lot over the last year as far as our day-to-day. It’s meetings with staff every day and keeping a pulse on what’s going on. Now there are payroll taxes, but this is kind of what we we’ve worked hard for. Both Jeff and I were business owners before this and this is kind of what we’ve worked up to! This is our full time gig. This is what we do year-round!

And with that growth, I’m sure people want to gravitate towards that momentum and I’m sure you get a lot of folks who reach out through various outlets, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc asking how to be a part of the Cali-Roots team. For those looking to seek employment, what would be your suggestion to those reading?

Dan: [Sigh] Wait! (haha)

Jeff: Yeah! Wait, and honestly, get in with us during Festival season – that’s how we get all of our staff. Most of them have been volunteers who worked their way up over the years. Through the years these people have dedicated their time, their energy and they’re invested into the company before we even give them anything, you know what I mean? They just show it! There’s one guy we just hired, Kenny Burgess, and for the last 5 years he’s been asking us “How can I be a part of it? How can I help?” He hit us up at the right time this year and we just happen to have a spot that we could use someone with experience. He sent us a resume and sure enough he got in this year to work the festival. He’s probably going to end up being with us for a few years because as Dan said, he’s waited! He’s been asking us since year 1 or 2 and we’re in year 6 and he’s finally able to shine. We don’t have work for full-time people all the time, but during festival time we do have seasonal work and that’s the best time to even test to get any kind of work with us… Just a little inside information (haha!) just so you know! (haha!)

And so your inbox doesn’t get too flooded on Facebook, how do you recommend they hit you up? through the general contact on your website?

Jeff: Yeah – people do hit us up on Facebook, and we’ll direct them to our contact page and it might go to the same people, but it’s all in the information database.
Dan: Yeah, JeffMonser

And that’s exciting for Kenny Burgess, what new position will he be filling out this year?

Jeff: He’s going to be in charge of this interactive booth called “The Walk Through History”. It’s basically a museum of Year 1 to present of California Roots and he has been brought on to lead and take that project on to run it. We’re going to have posters from year 1, year 2 and people will get to see the progression including all of the old shirts and pictures from year 1 to 5. By the end of Sunday this year we’re hopefully going to already be playing video of Year 6 inside the Walk Through History booth. It’s going to be an actual Walk Through History too! So you actually start at one end, its closed off on the left and right side, and you walk all the way through, and 40 feet later you come out of the Walk Through History!

Dan: We’re going to have postcards that fans will be able to send from the festival, the spin-wheel with a bunch of giveaways…

Jeff: Yup, everybody coming in gets a spin wheel. So everybody gets something for free when they walk through. And yeah, Kenny made a real cool mailbox that looks like a tree stump that’s built into a tree. Like Dan said, people will get to mail postcards out.

Dan: Some of the festivals are so big it’s like a corporation. It’s not for us, this is our lives. There’s a sense of a pride with this event and what we do in it. Having this and showing the growth and the festival is unique because there are a lot of new fans who have never been and then there’s a lot of older fans who will walk through the history and be like: “Oh I remember this…”

I think that’s fantastic and the way you guys are being detailed towards the fans experience is something a lot of festivals can model their events after. Another thing is you guys have been big on moving towards a zero-waste program with including compost, recycle, landfill and being mindful of how a 3-day festival of thousands of people can result in some trash being left behind, but you guys have managed that challenge progressively well over the years. The new challenge we’re facing in Cali is the extreme water drought! What action are you taking with Cali’s limited water supply ahead of this 3 day festival? What should festival-goers, especially from outside of Cali, keep in mind when coming to this year’s festival?

Jeff: Just don’t shower the whole time you’re in Cali! (hahaha) That’s a joke!

Dan: That’s a really good question and to be honest, at the festival, there are kind of 2 different sides of this. There’s the compost, recycling and landfill, no selling single-use bottles on site and then there’s the water conservation side of it. There’s really not that much water we’re using in general. People need to drink water so we’re not taking away our water refill stations. And that’s the thing, there’s water that needs to be used because all the food vendors have to wash their dishes, our food caterer has to wash their dishes and there’s stuff like that there’s just no way around, you know? Water drought or not, we don’t have giant water-slides, and it doesn’t get hot in Monterrey in May.

Jeff: And honestly, a lot of the water, and Dan you can correct me if I’m wrong, we pay for the water! That’s how it is right now. The most water that is used during the event is by vendors and caterers. And that’s a safety/health thing. I was kind of joking about the shower thing, but that’s really the only thing you can do is to not shower while you’re there. (haha)

On October 3rd, you’ll host your 3rd annual Carolina Sessions, but this time in Myrtle Beach, SC. This new location that is in Myrtle Beach is said to be 5 times larger than the previous location of Battleship Park in North Carolina. It’s said to include on-site parking, camping, hotels within walking distance and all the convenient accommodations to make this a potentially progressive location for a growing festival on the east coast. Do you see these parameters enabling a financial benefit to Myrtle Beach to the likes of Monterrey? I know you guys are back down to a 1 day festival on the east coast, but are minds open towards expanding it to multiple days if it proves to be a success this year?

Dan: Well I mean there are a couple things that aren’t necessarily true with the venue. It doesn’t have on-site parking, it has a gigantic parking lot next to it. Camping is not, that I know of, within walking distance. There are more hotels and motels and thousands of hotel rooms, which is a huge part! I mean you can get rooms for $29.00 a night. It’s right on the ocean and again, there are lots of differences between California and South Carolina. So right now we’re playing this event year by year and we’ll kind of see what happens after this year. We’re definitely stoked on the line up. The line-up is definitely more east coast. That’s why I think it’s a great line-up. Having 311, SOJA and Steel Pulse and everybody else that’s on it really rounded it out nice. Again, we’re in show business and things change every year. I don’t know what 2016 will hold for Myrtle Beach, we’re just trying to figure this whole thing out and see what happens for 2015. It’s our first time doing it at the venue. Battleship was great and Wilmington, NC was awesome, we love the town, but the venue was just not set up for shows. It was a park that does weddings. It just wasn’t a fit for our event.

I’m sure that’s gotta be tough to make it work twice a year on separate coasts. Have you guys explored the idea of taking the festival on a cruise, akin to 311 Cruise or Jamrock Cruise – Will there be a Cali-Roots Cruise?

Dan: Jeff and I talked about it before. Those boats are a million dollars, just to rent the boat. I’m not a huge cruise person myself, but I’m open for a promising business opportunity. What are your thoughts on that, Jeff?

Jeff: Right now I don’t see it in the future right this second. I’ll be honest, the price tag is gigantic. With all of the projects, it’s hard to even think about something like that right now. Not saying it wouldn’t happen, but I think we’re a few years off from thinking about that right now.

Well yeah, and like you said Jeff, there’s a lot of projects going on right now, just planning for 2 major festivals on top of the various shows being promoted throughout the year. And Jeff, I understand you have a Dry Diggings festival coming up that is or was outside of the California Roots brand?

Jeff: Well yeah, it started out that way for a second. Dan & his wife just became pregnant with baby on the brain (haha). Dry Diggings is the weekend before Carolina Sessions – Oct. 3rd in South Carolina and then our Dry Diggings festival is September 25th and 26th so it’s literally the weekend before. I think initially when Dan and I sat down to talk about it, and I know too having baby on the brain, your first one is scary man! We talked about the pros/cons and specifically with Dan at the time. So long story short, Dan had a vacation and California Roots will be powering Dry Diggings, so it’s not a side project of mine anymore. Originally, it was only going to be me this first year and I was going to MAKE Dan do it with me next year (haha). With that being said, I’m glad he took a vacation and came back wanting to do this show. This is going to be a lot of work with it being the week before Carolina Sessions. You talked about two festivals and now we’ve added a 3rd one into that. It’s actually a whole different ball game now. It’s like we have a team working on Carolina Sessions and we have a team working on Dry Diggings. There’s going to be a small handful of us working on both events. The small handful of us will be me, Dan, a production manager, our vendor guy and possibly our sponsor guy. Other than that, we basically have 2 teams. It’s going to be a grind; it’s going to be a lot of work! I’m super glad that Dan has decided to come on board because now we can do the full potential of what we want to do with the event. Without him, I didn’t want to use the team if he wasn’t going to be there. I didn’t want to use the sponsors. I have a lot of respect for Dan. I actually asked his permission if he would be okay with it. That just goes to show how much respect for him I have and I’m glad his vacation happened and now it’s a California Roots event!

Dan: The line-up is Phat! We got Rage Against The Machine… (haha) just kidding! No, but we have Tribal Seeds, Collie Buddz, Nahko, J Boog, Don Carlos, Seedless, Inna Vision, Thrive, Hirie and Leilani Wolfgramm, among others. So we’re stoked with the line-up and it’s a camping event too. It’s just something we don’t have in Monterrey and it’ll help add to the energy. It’s in Placerville, CA about 60 minutes from Tahoe.

Jeff: Yeah about 40 miles from Sacramento, in-between Sacramento and Tahoe at El Dorado Fair Grounds. Dry Diggings is one of the original names of the city out there. A little bit on the name, it’s actually part of the history of the city. One of the original names was Dry Diggings and that’s where the festival name was born. We played off the history a little bit. Not to mention it’s going to be pretty Beer Driven! We’re going to be featuring a Beer Festival during the event as well, which should be pretty cool!
That is cool and with all of that information in mind, I mean 3 festivals a year with 2 in Cali and one on the east coast. Is Dry Diggings being tested as a potential replacement to Monterrey because there is no on-sight camping in Monterrey? I know there has to be some concern each year with Drunk Drivers leaving the festival and not to say that liability solely falls on you guys as the promoters, but is this being considered as an alternate location in the future being that Dry Diggings will host camping?

Jeff: No, no it’s not. To be honest, in Monterrey, we have a pretty good reputation with exactly what you’re talking about with Drunk Driving. That’s why we do the shuttles, we have all the hotels nearby, the cabs are booked, and we have Uber this year. We do a tremendous part in avoiding any of that – the drunken driving stuff. We can’t stop everybody, but the good thing is we do have meetings with the chief of Police out there every year. For the most part, nobody’s really leaving the area; the people are staying really close until the event is over. Like you talked about the economic impact, not many people are leaving the area. The cabs, the Uber, the shuttles, walking, bike and skate valet alone were cracking last year. It shows people are taking the initiative to not drink and drive. And to answer your question, NO, Dry Diggings is not to replace Monterrey AT ALL! This is just one of those things that California is a great spot to do these shows! Let’s be honest, its within 6 months of each other and our shows, I don’t think will affect each other, it’ll help each other if anything.

And you guys are doing great with your hands full with 3 festivals a year and expanding on the fan experience with the Walk Through History museum – To cap this off, what are some pointers, suggestions or a message you want new & old fans to take note of when entering the gates this year?

Dan: One of the main things we do differently than other festivals, if you want to, you can see every single artist without having overlapping sets. You can see every single artist without missing a set. We get slack sometimes for having 40 bands, but if you look at the schedule you can see every artist… You can also discover new music because you’re not missing some of the smaller acts because the bigger act is playing at the same time.

Jeff: To add on to that too, we have killer merch and we have all kinds of killer vendors. Half the time people come and they love the stuff that’s there, but they wait until the very last day to buy stuff and it’s all gone already. So my recommendation to people is we have a lot of limited stuff, totally limited items, especially to the festival that we may only make 100 items of! Think about 100 items to 10,000 people – that’s not a lot of stuff! So come and do that kind of shopping early. A lot of people love these kinds of things and if you wait until the last day to buy something, it could be gone already. The first time festival goer, they don’t know to really do that! They wait until the last day and everything’s gone and you go home empty handed! Same with the band merch, it’s limited commodity.

Dan: The trippy part is we checked in about 8,000 people within the first 90minutes on Friday last year! They come in early and spend the entire day. People come all day and that’s something special! Not just showing up for the headliner.

Right and with a lot of festival goers too, they’re use to walking into Lollapalooza and Coachella and being turned away with their Selfie-Sticks. Are Selfie-Sticks welcomed at Cali-Roots this year?
Jeff: We get why people want to use them and we don’t want to take them away, but it is a safety thing. Not to mention we stream and what happens if a thousand people bring these in and there’s thousands of these poles in the air and we have sponsors who are paying for the streaming? We have people that want to see the bands and they can’t really be seen because there are selfie-sticks all in the air. I don’t know, Dan? (haha!)

Dan: The selfie-sticks, they’re annoying and they can be dangerous! It’s like a billy club, you know? I’ve seen festivals ban iPads because who wants to be the guy behind the person with an iPad recording the show? The festival culture has grown so much and it’s such a young crowd that these technology gadgets, its part of the landscape, but to what extent?

You hear that fans? Put your iPad and selfie-sticks away! To be safe, leave them at home as you may be turned away at the gates… Well I’ve had you guys on the line for well over an hour, so I’ll let you guys get back to work. Thank you so much for your time and we look forward to seeing all of this great information unfold with the next 3 festivals this year!

Dan: We appreciate your time and we definitely appreciate the support over the years!
Jeff: Alright Mike, we appreciate it, Thank you!


Related Links:
California Roots Website
California Roots Facebook
California Roots Twitter
Behind The Curtain: California Roots

Interview By: Mike Patti
Photos By: David Norris

WATCH:The 2014 California Roots The Carolina Sessions Montage