In January 2010 The Pier received word that the Nowell Estate & Sublime (Bud & Eric) reached an agreement to legally use the name Sublime with Rome. Sublimes reformation came with much controversy accompanied by dividing lines between those that were for & against the reformation of Sublime with new guitarist/front man Rome Ramirez. Bud & Eric have gone on record to express their excitement in finding someone new to be able to get back on the road to tour with; playing cities, states & countries that Sublime never had the opportunity to play, due to the untimely death of original singer/guitarist Bradley Nowell on May 25th 1996.
Regardless of the controversy or those that were against the reformation, Sublime with Rome set out on tour, letting the world know they’re back. While on tour, Sublime w/Rome has been seen playing new songs Panic as well as Take It or Leave It live. When contacting groups for our Most Anticipated Albums of 2011 article, The Pier reached out to Sublime drummer Bud Gaugh to sneak in a few quick questions as we got a few quick answers in regards to Sublime with Rome’s expected 2011 release!…..Enjoy!


The Pier: Can Sublime fans expect a new release from Sublime with Rome in 2011?
Bud: Yes, SWR (Sublime with Rome) is ready to record a full length album for 2011. Eric is getting surgery on his shoulder and after he heals we are going into the studio. Its looking like we may go back to Texas and work with Paul Leary again and we are really looking forward to it!! We’ve also been discussing working with other producers for a few different songs to give it a different sound, yet still keeping the continuity throughout the entire album. Or different mixes by different people as well.

The Pier: Do you guys have a release date planned or is there a tentative time frame for a release?
Bud: Looking for a late spring, early summer release. Needless to say it will be a great task to get it recorded, mixed, artwork, titled, and packaged for that target but we are confident with our set up so we will be pushing hard!

The Pier: From the material you guys have thus far, are there any singles in the works?
Bud: Well its still a little early to name the first single to go out since we haven’t recorded yet, but two of the songs we have been playing will definitely be contenders. Take It or Leave It and Panic are two that will be on the album and possible singles.

The Pier: So how many tracks are projected for an Album by a group with so many influences?
Bud: We don’t like to waste plastic so there will be a bunch. Sublime always filled up the CD with as many tracks as possible so we will keep that same recipe for this album. Its always disappointing to get an album, start listening and then its over by the time you get on the freeway.

The Pier: What producers are being talked about to help produce this next release?
Bud: We have been talking with a few different people, like GIlmore, Ronson, Leary, Pharrell, and Mario C. So one or more will definitely be involved. If we work with Paul Leary, its looking like we will track in El Paso, (TX) and finish in Austin, (TX). Otherwise it is still up in the air as to where.

The Pier: Sublime has always been notorious for collaborating and including guest artists on songs. Are there any guest appearances projected for the album?
Bud: Yes, there will be a couple collaborations with other artists, but since we haven’t got anything locked in I don’t want to spoil the surprise.

The Pier: Before we continue waiting, whats the best way to describe what we’ll soon hear from Sublime with Rome?
Bud: It wont sound like Lady GaGa or Slightly Stoopid! You will hear what we have always done with Sublime, really good music. Its the same recipe yet growing with our own growth as musicians so it will be very reminiscent of the (Sublime) Self Titled album. Punk, Ska, Reggae, Rock, Hip Hop, very Sublime!!!

Sublime with Rome Links:
Sublime with Rome Website
Sublime with Rome Facebook
Sublime with Rome Youtube
Sublime with Rome Twitter

– Interview by: Mike Patti