The Expanders’ 2016 Spring Tour Dates

The Expanders are exploding! Building off the success of their 3rd studio album, Hustling Culture, The Expanders will set out on their headlining Top Shelf Spring Tour beginning March 2nd – 19th.

Hustling Culture is their biggest album release to date from the Los Angeles natives, as the Easy Star Records release gained a vast amount of media attention and positive fan feedback.
The Expanders Live
We first heard Hustling Culture when it dropped back in June of 2015. Bringing fourth that vintage reggae sound and combining it with mindful songwriting made this record Billboard chart-topping! Not only that, but it also received a 4 star Album Review from The Pier that you can read by clicking HERE! If you have not had the chance to listen yet, don’t let another minute go by without putting this album on.

The Expanders have expressed how they have transformed over the years from a group of friends laying down tracks to a tenacious crew producing a cohesive album. The Band believes that Hustling Culture is a reflection of their dedication to songwriting and musicianship; which is why this is the breakthrough album for them. If you have the opportunity to see one of their shows on their upcoming tour you will be one of those lucky fans who can say “I saw them before they got big!”

As the band gears up for tour, (guitarist/vocalist) Devin Morrison wants their fans to know that; “Our goal is to bring that vintage reggae feel and sound that we love to places where people might not get to hear it on a regular basis.” The Expanders look forward to reaching their goals with The Top Shelf Tour and the ones to follow.

Shortly after the Top Shelf Tour, the quintet will keep their momentum by hitting the road with Iration, Hirie and Amp Live on the Spring Hotting Up Tour that kicks off on March 30th and extends to April 23rd! The Expanders have also made this years line up for the California Roots Festival in Monterey — See the dates below!

The Expanders Tour Dates

Related Links:
The Expanders Website
The Expanders Facebook

Article By: Julia Goodman
Photo By: David Norris

Watch: The Expanders – “Top Shelf” (Live with Sugar Shack Sessions)