The Green Mentioned on

The Green is one of Hawaii’s most renowned musical acts, aside from maybe Don Ho and Tiny Bubbles. The Green is playing music for all generations of people on the islands, and for some dreaming of being in paradise.

For one star football player, listening to The Green prior to kickoff on gameday is a ritual that will not be broken any time soon. Marcus Mariota, starting quarterback for College Football’s No. 2 ranked football team in the country at the University of Oregon, as well as being a native of Hawai’i.

As one of the nation’s top quarterbacks, Mariota has represented his roots in Hawai’i while playing football, and even before the game begins with the headphones on, listening to the sweet sounds of Aloha from The Green.

When the freshman starting quarterback responded to how he calms his nerves before the game, Marcus Mariota’s answer was simple: “I’ve got to listen to local music — Hawaiian music. If I don’t listen to that kind of stuff, sometimes I feel a little too amped. That local flavor relaxes me a little bit and brings me back to being at home and the slow-paced lifestyle.”

After a follow up question referring to famed singer Don Ho and Tiny Bubbles as the artist of choice for an on-going pregame ritual, Mariota mentioned only one band, that does the job before the playmaker gets the job done on the field: “…There’s a couple of bands like The Green, and there [are a few] good guys to listen to.”

It isn’t everyday that a band like The Green, or any artist or band from this genre, gets mentioned in a national publication like, but when they do it is awfully exciting for everyone involved. As each Hawaiian, Samoan, Pacific Islander and Polynesian leaves their homeland, they never truly leave that island spirit at home. Even in the music, the spirit of Aloha is alive and well, bringing the sense of home right by their side.

For more regarding Marcus Mariota and The Green click HERE

The Green Links:
The Green Editorials
The Green Website
The Green Facebook

Article By: Kris Siuta
Photo By: Bill Colbridge

Video: The Green- “Liar”