Upcoming Rome Ramirez Interview

When The Pier was lucky to score an interview with Rome Ramirez, the frontman for Sublime with Rome, & the leader of his own solo venture, the acceptance was nearly instant. After nearly four years since the formation of SWR, many opinions, often negative, have been tossed out into the public’s eye.

The Pier has tried to cast a different light on the new reemergence of Sublime’s music, even with Sublime with Rome as the spotlight of the performances. With Rome Ramirez starting his own solo venture, The Pier wanted to be at the forefront of this particular project with facts, details and future happenings.

“I have never, honest to God, thought that I was the Brad of 2012. Brad created a whole genre of music. If he had still been alive today, music would probably be different” explains Rome. “Every single day that I wake up, I am thankful that I have the opportunity to just play music. It’s either that or go back to Starbucks, or working at Staples and living in my Mom’s garage. I am a fan of music, and it is in a lot of varying styles.”

Rome was very open about his journey as the frontman for Sublime with Rome. Ramirez also discussed the transition and touring with Josh Freese compared to original Sublime drummer, Bud Gaugh. Although, we did a lot of looking back and reminiscing about Rome’s path as a lead singer and guitarist, he was also optimistic about the future of his music.

Before you read this full-length exclusive interview, run through the responses and questions with an open mind and open heart. Whether the music is Sublime oriented, Sublime with Rome situated, or written straight from the heart, Rome will play the sound he enjoys. So, be open to growth and enjoy the soothing sounds of reggae-rock no matter what the name on the marquee may be.

Needless to say, this is one interview you will not want to miss! Comeback next Tuesday November 27th 2012, as we debut our full-length, exclusive interview with Rome Ramirez.

Rome Ramirez Links:
Rome Website
Rome Facebook
Rome Twitter

Article By: Kris Siuta

Watch: Back in 2009, The Pier attended West Beach Music Festival in Santa Barbara, CA. Rome was just emerging as the new frontman of Sublime with Rome. This is an interview we had with Dirty Heads that day, sharing their opinion of Rome’s emergence. The video also includes Rome performing “Leaving Babylon” at DiPiazza’s in Long Beach, CA on 7/23/2009. Enjoy!