Updated Concert Articles

Luckily we didn’t have to choose between The Expendables & Stranger vs seeing The Dirty Heads live. We were actually able to catch both events last week and now, we have the recap complete with photos. Lets read on..

You’ll be happy to know with us being in attendance for The Expendables on Friday night in San Diego, CA we found out The Expendables will be working on an acoustic album to be released sometime next year. When were in attendance for the Dirty Heads in Denver, CO we were treated to about 3-4 brand new songs live, set to be on Dirty Heads new album next year! Follow the link below to each of the concert articles for a recap on each show from last week!

Date: Tuesday November 8th, 2011
Who: The Dirty Heads
Location: The Ogden Theatre. Denver, CO

  • Walking up to the Ogden Theatre on a Tuesday night to meet with my cohort with the camera, Kit Chalbridge, I started to realize tonight was going to be a much bigger deal than I thought! I had listened to the album Any Port in a Storm two times all the way through earlier in the day and was singing “Believe” to myself on my walk over to The Ogden. The shit gets in your head that quick! It was 40 degrees outside, but that song kept me warm the whole walk over….READ MORE

  • Date: Friday November 11th, 2011
    Who: The Expendables & Stranger
    Location: The Belly Up Tavern. Solana Beach, CA

  • Tour after tour, the Expendables have been constantly on the road since the infamous release of Prove It topped the scene back in early 2010. San Diego local band Stranger, joined in and brought the California reggae to a hometown show. The legendary Belly Up Tavern held the sold out crowd ready to rock out to the amazing stage presence of the Expendables….READ MORE