Artist Radar: Babylon Saints

Artist Radar: Babylon Saints

This week, The Pier’s Artist Radar is on Babylon Saints, a Los Angeles, CA based group that enjoys mixing it up with Reggae, Rock & Soul. Check back every Thursday for a NEW Artist Radar complete with artist background, photo, a FREE MP3 Download, along with Tour Dates & MORE!

Some of the groups we select for the Artist Radar you may have already heard of, at which point we encourage you tell your friends to come check out the feature on the group that always includes a free song if nothing else! Its our goal to introduce you to new music & artists, such as Babylon Saints, so for those who have not heard of the group, enjoy the read & free song titled Goldmine from their latest 12 track Self Titled release, that came out on 4/6/2010 under Citation Records…

Babylon Saints Bio/Background:
The name Babylon Saints is both a contradiction in terms as well as an excellent way to disarm the potential listener of their expectations. So to simply say that the members of Los Angeles-based group play reggae rock, albeit extremely catchy reggae rock, would be rather deceiving. Singer/guitarist Matt Gerovac, bassist Tyler Drake, and steel drummer Joseph Panhead Peck can offer a better set of groovy descriptions for their sound: Authentic. Soulful. Funk. Honest. Caribbean. American. African. Brazilian. Spicy. Danceable.

Free Babylon Saint MP3:

Babylon Saints- Self Titled
Song: Goldmine
Courtesy of Babylon Saints, here is the song Goldmine off their latest Self Titled album for FREE Download.

Babylon Saints are brilliant–a soulful energy force of irresistible rhythms and enticing stories. At a time when the musical landscape has grown dim, Babylon Saints have turned on the creative lights with a suite of brilliant songs that speak to the mind and heart. They are intelligent; they are funky; they are original; they are simple; they are complex; they are saintly in their expression of joy, hope, and musical inspiration. David Ritz

Babylon Saint Shows:
12.31.10 Friday. Medford, OR @ Medford Armory. (Rocking Reggae New Years Eve Bash
01.01.11 Saturday. Medford, OR @ Medford Armory. (w/Rogue Suspects, One Love Community Band)
01.14.11 Friday. Los Angeles, CA @ Dragon Fly (with John Wayne & The Pain, The Originalites)

Babylon Saints Links:
Babylon Saints Website
Babylone Saints Facebook
Babylon Saints Myspace