Chris Boomer Single Feat JBoog

Chris Boomer Single Feat JBoog

Chris Unchangco, known to many as Chris Boomer, has recently announced the production of his new single titled “Leave The Light On”. The single, which features Cali man J Boog, follows his 2011 debut album I Am Who I Am released in February of last year.

Throughout the production process, Boomer has been working rather closely with SOJA front man Jacob Hemphill, who was the co-writer and producer for I Am Who I Am. Boomer and Hemphill met in 2007, beginning to collaborate on SOJA’s Born in Babylon track “You and Me” almost instantly. Afterwards, a couple years later, SOJA and Chris swapped roles as Hemphill and several band mates made appearance throughout CB’s debut release.

Boomer delves deeper into his relationship with Hemphill and company when he sat down with The Pier last year around the drop date of his album. He talks about his history, what got him where he is today, and about his life during that time. And once you are finished reading, don’t forget that Chris Boomer’s new single featuring J Boog is now available on iTunes along with his debut album I Am Who I Am so don’t hesitate and check it out!

Chris Boomer’s Links:
Chris Boomer Facebook
Chris Boomer Interview

Article By: Jason Gallagher

Video: Chris Boomer Homely Girl cover