Interview: Law Records

Interview: Law Records

LAW Records is the best underground music, music that matters. As a vehicle to promote the release of The LAW’S first and only album; NONE ESCAPE, LAW Records was born, circa 1983. Years later it would seem that a record label was not all this band needed, The LAW disbanded shortly before the album saw the break of day due to the same thing most bands fell to at that time; drugs, and shall we say women.

Today The LAW is better known to most as Roy Williams, father to PEPPER drummer Yesod Williams. Together with fellow band mates Kaleo Wassman and Bret Bollinger. Pepper began their very own record label this year and in paying homage to The LAW, named the label LAW Records. It is Pepper’s mission to make sure good music never goes unheard.

After signing Ballyhoo! to their label earlier this month, The Pier contacted LAW Records for an interview to get some insight to what the future holds for this dub rock label powerhouse. Label owner & Pepper drummer, Yesod Williams, was nice enough to respond to a few quick questions, Enjoy!

The Pier: The disbandment of The Law of which was your fathers band (Roy Williams) gave birth to Law Records years later. Along with fellow band mates Bret Bollinger, Kaleo Wasman of Pepper, does your father still play a role in modern day LAW?
Yesod: I’d say he plays the most important role of inspiration to us. Not just with the label but with pepper as well, all our parents from the start have been playing a huge role of inspiration and support

The Pier: Your label recently added Ballyhoo to an already diverse lineup of bands. What is the strategy in selecting a band to joining LAW Records?
Yesod: Honestly, it’s just comes down to us being fans of a band. At the end of the day we’re music fans first and musicians next, being a fan of music is where it all started

The Pier:It is my understanding that you guys are becoming quite the producers, producing your own band’s (Pepper) E.P Stitches. After Ballyhoo comes off their month long tour with Iration starting, February 11th in Norfolk, VA the label plans on getting the guys in the studio for a full length album to be released in the summer of 2011. Are you guys producing their album and will there be any guest producers involved?
Yesod: First off, thank you, we couldn’t be happier with the way stitches turned out. A far as ballyhoo, we always have been active in giving them our honest opinion, but we hope to get them out in our California studio “the hatch” for a couple tracks, CHO!

The Pier: What advice would you give to unsigned bands that are striving to get signed to a notable record label such as LAW?
Yesod: Send us your demo!!!!!! Play everywhere and anywhere you can, and utilize the Internet to it’s fullest, sky’s the limit

The Pier:As stated in our Most Anticipated Albums of 2011 article, all of the bands signed to LAW are in the process of recording and releasing an album in 2011. The only artist not mentioned was Splinta. Can you tell us if he plans to release a follow up to his 4th studio album The Rat is Dead anytime soon?
Yesod: : He marches the hybrid beat of his own drum, he records everything himself, hes a 1 man wrecking ball, we just wait for him, so once we get word from Splinta, you’ll be the first to know

The Pier: Can the fans look forward to a 2011 artist sampler?
Yesod: For sure, probably have a digital one out this summer. Also we’re doing a week of acoustic pepper shows this month, which will include a live online stream of the show Feb 27th for all to enjoy, check out for details.

Law Records Links:
Law Records Website
Law Records Facebook
Law Records Twitter
Law Records Bandcamp

Interview by: Chad Hillje
Edited by: Kyle Hillje