MP3 Leak of the Week: Authority Zero

MP3 Leak of the Week: Authority Zero

Mesa, Arizona’s Authority Zero released their 6th studio album Broadcasting to the Nations on June 2nd via Bird Attack Records. This week, we’re giving away their new song “Summer Sickness” for FREE as we continue to celebrate their new record. Read up on the band, their new album and song…

You can download Authority Zero’s new song “Summer Sickness,” for FREE on our home page under the MP3 Leak of the Week on the right hand column! This Download will only be available until Saturday, July 1st, 2017.

Authority Zero – “Summer Sickness” — Download HERE (on The Pier homepage)
Authority Zero

Authority Zero’s “Summer Sickness” Background:

To record Broadcasting to the Nations, Authority Zero traveled to The Blasting Room Studio in Fort Collins, CO. The band holed themselves up in the studio for three and half weeks in order to perfect with the help of producer/drummer Bill Stevenson (of Black Flag/Descendents).

Front-man Jason DeVore explains Authority Zero’s new material, saying: “It’s really going to be an exciting album. It’s a combination I think of ‘The Tipping Point’ (2013) meets the first album ‘A Passage in Time’ (2002). It’s really taking a step back to take a step forward—in the sense that you get a little more of what you feel like a lot of the kids that have been around for a long time have been missing out on a little bit, I think. There’s also some stuff on there that some people won’t have heard before I think as well… they’ll be like ‘that’s what band again?’ There’s a couple of surprises on there too that might throw people back a little bit—but in an exciting way.”

As we had a chance to catch up with the band, what we found interesting about their new song Summer Sickness, aside from the nostalgic alternative-reggae sound of the mid-early 2000’s, was that it was the first time the group had ever whistled on one of their songs. Bassist Mike Spero shares: “We were all there laying down music and then Jason was whistling for whatever reason, but I don’t think he knew we were still tracking or that we could hear him in the control room. I heard it and was thinking ‘well that’s bitchin’ and Kristen (owner/engineer/producer at Underdog) goes, ‘Wait, you should whistle!’ So Jason ended up trying some shit and the more we heard it we were all thinking, ‘fuck…. We should whistle on a regular basis’ [Laughs]

The song also features a melodic Trumpet being played by Squids, who is a friend of guitarist Dan Aid. The part was almost played on Saxophone, but the group was insistent on the Trumpet. The group didn’t find out until after the tracking of the horn-line that it was the first time that Squids had played Trumpet in over a year — He developed a callous on his lip that split and turned into a scar and he couldn’t create the embouchure, so what you hear in the song at the 2:30 mark is Squids return to the trumpet in over a year.

The end result is our featured song for this week, not to mention one of our favorite new songs of 2017. You can purchase Authority Zero new album, Broadcasting to the Nations, via iTunes by clicking HERE!

Listen: Authority Zero – “Summer Sickness”



Authority Zero Background:

Authority Zero has been dishing out an adrenaline-filled mix of punk rock and reggae since forming back in 1994. The current lineup consists of Jason DeVore (vocals), Chris Dalley (drums), Mike Spero (bass), and Dan Aid (guitar).

Authority Zero released their first album A Passage in Time in 2002, and since that time they’ve accumulated a global fan-base of punk and reggae-heads alike. The band has toured alongside heavyweight groups such as Pennywise, Sum 41, and Flogging Molly.


Related Links:
Authority Zero Website
Authority Zero Facebook

Huge thanks again to Authority Zero for allowing us to share their new track “Summer Sickness” to post up for FREE download. Free music is a privilege that we’re grateful for and we appreciate the work these artists do! Please feel free to download this song for FREE and spread the awareness to your friends!
Enjoy the FREE track on the homepage!

Article By: Mike Patti

Listen: Authority Zero – “When We Rule The World”