New Tomorrows Bad Seeds EP!

New Tomorrows Bad Seeds EP!

Been looking for your Tomorrows Bad Seeds fix? Look no further! The 5-man band from Los Angeles, CA have announced that they will be dropping a new EP soon! This will be their first release since the June 2012 album drop of The Great Escape.

The EP is simply titled, “5.”..With this being the band’s 5th release, it features 5 songs with the 5 band members, so they decided to keep the title name easy to remember. To give you more insight on the naming of the EP, Matt “Metz” McEwan, who adds vocals while playing guitar and keyboards said, “It is more of a symbol, rather than a word or number, that is a visual representation of the band as a unified entity.”

There is no set release date as of now, but TBS is aiming for late spring/early summer to drop the new music. “5” is being recorded and produced by the band in their secret music lab that they call “Suite 16.” With the EP being completely self-produced, the band is bringing the sound back to their roots.

Metz added, “There is a reminiscence of the original Tomorrows Bad Seeds sound on this new EP. We took a very simple approach to the recording process.”

Here’s the best part! The EP will be available on iTunes for FREE! However, there will also be an option to pay if you want to help support the band. TBS decided to do this for the fans since the band is controlling the EP, with no one else having laid a finger or thought into the process.

Metz left us with one last overall view on the outcome of the EP, letting us know while there will still be a taste of Rock, expect something different. “We’re pretty stoked on all of the songs…It’s just a very different taste of the entire sound of the band, compared to the last record”

Be sure to check back with The Pier for an official release date on the EP, 5.

Tomorrows Bad Seeds – “5” EP tracklist (in no particular order)
-Razor Sharp
-War Letter (Full Version)

Tomorrows Bad Seeds Links:
TBS Website
TBS Facebook

Article By: David Garcia
Photo By: Kit Chalberg

Watch: Tomorrows Bad Seeds – “Reflect” Acoustic (Throwback for The Pier 2010!)