New & Upcoming Interviews!

New & Upcoming Interviews!

We have new interviews up with Ballyhoo! & The Dirty Heads along with a NEW interview with The Movement coming next week!

Ballyhoo! – Interviewed by Mike Patti
Hitting the road hard w/their fall Ehh Brah, Party Tour, The Pier sits down w/Ballyhoo! front man Howi to talk about being a proud new Dad, new songs, a new album & some advice for groups wanting to tour!
…Click HERE to read the interview.

The Dirty Heads – Interviewed by Chad Hillje
A great update from the group with new music. Potential Acoustic Release? Also an interesting pre-show ritual the group has developed while on the road!…Click HERE to go read!

The Movement! – Interviewed by Mike Patti
Next week, The Pier will be releasing the latest Interview w/The Movement! They talk about moving forward without one of their vocalists & how the group is adapting with a new addition to the group with a keyboard player. We also got an update for a new album & upcoming tours!

Be sure to visit our Editorials page for all updated Interviews, Blogs, Album & Concert reviews!

The Pier Fam!