Randy Lanier talks Cannabis advocacy. Rebel Hippies Show EP 12

Randy Lanier

Professional race car driver, Cannabis Advocate, Best selling author and convicted drug trafficker Randy Laniersits down with The Rebel Hippies Show. Randy Lanier talks Cannabis advocacy. The Rebel Hippies Podcast, hosted by Adoo and Oskee from Space Kamp,  is all about Breaking Rules and Spreading Love, as they break down the latest songs, videos, and news […]

5 Gifts for the Stoner in Your Life this Holidaze

The Holidaze is upon us and Santa is rolling up that sticky this season. ThePier is here to help you Celebrate your favorite stoner with a few stoney gift ideas! 1. Elevated Stash Premium Smoker Box Let the good times roll! Veteran-owned and operated, Elevated Stash sends smoker accessories to your door once a month […]