Three Legged Fox New Release!

Three Legged Fox New Release!

As mentioned earlier this year in our Most Anticipated Albums of 2011, Three Legged Fox will be digitally releasing their new 12 track, self-produced album Always, Anyway, on August 16th, 2011. This will be the groups 3rd album release in 5 years. The first single off the new album will be “Let You Down,” and a music video for the song will be unleashed on Monday August 1, 2011. Following the album release, Three Legged Fox plans on touring to promote the album in major cities nationwide.

Take a look at the track listing & unique album cover where seems to take all the members faces and merging it into a super face. The cover comes courtesy of Thumbnail Designs.

1.) Get Out Alive
2.) Half Filled Boxes
3.) Let You Down
4.) Sweet Hurricane
5.) Wait For You
6.) Right Side
7.) Grace [Here With You]
8.) Hello Vertigo
9.) Run For Your Life
10.) High Time For Arrival
11.) Comin’ Back For You
12.) Finally

Here is what 3LF had to say about their new album…
“I knew two years ago there was no one I trusted more than Kyle, our singer and guitarist, to engineer and make these songs come alive. We wrote ‘Not as Far’ songs together, and we arranged all of the new songs on this new album as well. So, I lobbied to everyone that for our third album, we should make the whole thing from start to finish on our own. We needed to trust ourselves, and believe in our vision” shares Drummer Kory Kochersperger.

Kochersperger continues, “We’ve made the raw album, we’ve made the traditional reggae album with the horns, organs, and such. But shortly after our second album ‘Not as Far’ was released, we started to realize who we were and the kind of music we’re pretty good at playing. We are an alternative rock band, an alternative rock, reggae band. In knowing that, we wanted to keep moving down that road, we began writing songs from a micro sense. We tightened up, started building songs in a rock structure. The demo process alone for this new album was 10 or 11 months.” Wareham adds, “In terms of how it sounds, we wanted to make it big. There is a log of guitar, a lot of vocals, some synth, all kinds of stuff. A lot of people identify that to be the standard pop format, but for us, it is brand new because our previous albums were all so simple.”

You can pick up Three Legged Fox’s last album, Not As Far, in both Physical & Digital format inside our Store by clicking HERE