Updated Album Reviews!

Updated Album Reviews!

Welcome to a Monday of new album reviews. Today we have new album reviews for Alborosie, Chino, The Hangers & Sand Section Each artist just released new albums between May & June so these albums are fresh off the press See what our writers had to say & what star rating they gave each album

Stop by here every Monday as we post new album reviews from various new & past releases from groups in the community. You can view all of our Album Reviews inside under our Editorials tab by clicking HERE

Alborosie – 2 Times Revolution

2 Times Revolution is a great reggae album, though before I begin heaping praise over Alborosie’s fat beats and smooth production, let me get one thing out of the way: he insists on singing lead vocals on every track on the album, and, to be honest, his voice sounds kind of awkward. Alborosie is Italian-born and has spent the past decade living in Jamaica, soaking up the local Patois dialect. He sings mostly in English (“La Revolucion” features some vocals in Spanish) and the combination of his adopted-Patois mixed with the ever lingering remnants of an Italian accent sounds quite out of place on a reggae album…….READ MORE
-Written & Reviewed by: Chris Castro

Chino – Self-Titled

Chino may be Freddie McGregor’s son, but listen up and listen good: this album is NOT a reggae album. Itunes may classify it as such, but this is an example of regge/dancehall music moving far out of it’s usual boundaries, blending hip-hop, r&b, rock, French pop, soca, and various other styles so tastesfully that they merge together seamlessly into 15 minutes of dancehall gold. Produced by Chino’s brother Stephen “Di Genius” McGregor, Chino’s debut album is raising the bar for dancehall musicians everywhere, taking musical risks at every corner only to…READ MORE
-Written & Reviewed by: Chris Castro

Sand Section – The Gun EP

The EP shows that Sand Section is not afraid to do what they want to do with their music. As you move into listening to the EP it seems as though every song differs in structure and could potentially draw attention from fans across the other end of the music spectrum. The introduction to the EP is the song Bad to Worse. It begins with a short intro of guitar riffs that leave you with a tidbit of anticipation for the progression of the song. It then breaks into a groovy, upbeat reggae rhythm. I found the combined melodies between the vocals and…READ MORE
-Written & Reviewed by: Matt Emodi

The Hangers – Get Your Ticket

The EP shows that Sand Section is not afraid to do what they want to do with their music. As you move into listening to the EP it seems as though every song differs in structure and could potentially draw attention from fans across the other end of the music spectrum. The introduction to the EP is the song Bad to Worse. It begins with a short intro of guitar riffs that leave you with a tidbit of anticipation for the progression of the song. It then breaks into a groovy, upbeat reggae rhythm. I found the combined melodies between the vocals and…READ MORE
-Written & Reviewed by: Matt Emodi