Updated Concert Articles…

Updated Concert Articles…

The Pier was in attendance for last Friday’s Polynesian Underground event in San Diego, CA with Headliners, Natural Vibrations as the lovely sandieganliz provided the coverage, while we also introduce our ATX Wildfire Reggae & Arts Festival recap courtesy of our very own Chad Hillje who made his way out to Austin, TX for the 3 day fest.

Click the picture or link below to read each of the updated concert articles. Each article contains new album updates from Natural Vibrations, Mystic Roots & Seedless. There’s a video from the ATX Wildfire event with live footage & brief interviews. ENJOY!

Date: March 17-19th, 2011
What: ATX Wildfire Reggae & Arts Festival
Location: Ruta Maya. Austin, TX

  • Every year, people flock to South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas to experience one of the greatest festivals that music, film and interactive have to offer. For the roots reggae, dub and dub rock enthusiasts, there is a non-official festival in its second year within the SXSW experience titled ATX Wildfire. Reggae enthusiast and promoter Greg Cooper, a.k.a Episode Phive, is the man behind this event that has been hosted at Ruta Maya coffee shop since its inception in 2010. The Pier attended this year’s Wildfire by way ofREAD MORE

    Date: Friday April 1st, 2011
    Line Up: Natural Vibrations, Tribal Theory, Fortunate Youth, Kahi Lofa
    Location: Soundwave. San Diego, CA.

  • Hailing from Hawaii, Natural Vibrations came to Southern California to bring some classic island-reggae. They made three stops, including Hollywood, Hermosa Beach, and San Diego. The Pier checked out the sold-out show in the Mission Beach part of San Diego, CA as Kahi Lofa, Fortunate Youth & Tribal Theory fulfilled the line-up. It was barely 9:00pm when I READ MORE