Updated Exclusive Interviews…

Updated Exclusive Interviews…

Every Tuesday, we here at The Pier update our Editorials section with new Exclusive Interviews! This week, The Pier got to interview producer Max Tannone, The Expanders & Pacific Dub.

You can find all of our exclusive interviews under our Editorials tab or by clicking HERE

Interview w/Pacific Dub…

[Interviewed by Chad Hillje]

  • While on tour with New Politics and Dirty Heads, The Pier caught up with some of dub rocks youngest talent in the scene, Pacific Dub to find out what comes next for these late teen/early twenty something fun loving Hunington Beach kids.e….Go READ!

  • Interview w/Max Tannone…

    [Interviewed by Amber McDonald]

  • New York producer Max Tannone creates clean and clever hip-hop flavored remixes by reincarnating sonic elements from the music of those who inspire him, such as Jay-Z and The Beastie Boys. Recently releasing two mashup projects, Mos Dub and Dub Kweli, which infuse the heavy riddims and…Go READ!

  • Interview w/The Expanders…

    [Interviewed by Chris Castro]

  • L.A.’s The Expanders have been kicking around the SoCal reggae scene for nearly a decade now, but their debut release is only being released today. Read on as lead vocalist/guitarist Devin Morrisson answers some of The Pier’s questions regarding the group’s history, the new album, and how recording an album over a five year period might make it a stronger release…Go READ!