What Is the Reggae Rock Community Thankful For On Thanksgiving? Duddy B, Opie Ortiz, Makua Rothman and More Tell Us

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and being surrounded by loved ones.

We asked the rock-reggae community what they are thankful for. Check the heartfelt responses we got back in the post below.


DUDDY B (Dirty Heads)

“Always family. So thankful for my beautiful family. I’m thankful that I get to do what I love for a living. And I am thankful that right now everyone that I love is healthy.”

OPIE ORTIZ (Long Beach Dub Allstars)

“I’m really thankful for my children. For what they’re doing, all the projects they have going at school, and their work and stuff like that. Thankful that we get to hang out and that they’re still around. We’re traveling a little bit together and stuff like that. So I’m really thankful for having a little clarity in this time right now. I’m not drinking or partying, so kind of just enjoying everything that life has to offer. You know, actually stopping and not rushing to a certain place. Smelling the roses as they say.”


“My health, the health of my family, and the love I get to share with them.”


“Reggae, my cat Creature, and my cat Fluffy. They are hairless cats and Fluffy has no fur. Oh, and also my new drummer Chris for holding it down!”


James: “I’m thankful for my family, my band mates and my girlfriend”
Roads: “I have a brand new son I’m so thankful form and my girl at home taking care of him.
To live this life playing music it’s a dream come true and my family at home”
“We are very blessed over here”
James: “I thinks it’s important to say, living out here on the road like this and chasing your dreams can be a very selfish thing, a lot of that gets put on the people we have at home, so none of this happens without them”

Space Kamp

Adoo: “I’m so Thankful for my Wife, Sons and Family. My Bud Oskee and the Rebel Hippies Community, and this sticky I’m about to roll up.”

Oskee: “I’m Thankful I woke up today, my little guy, I love him so much, my good buddy Dooby and this music. And all the green plants that give us oxygen to breath!”