Backstage: A Rootz Underground Story

“Not Just a Band, But a Musical Family” The Foundation… Listening to the introduction: “All the way from Kingston, Jamaica…” plenty of memorable reggae pioneers come to mind. This list or musical icons truly is endless. Beginning with Bob Marley and The Wailers, the island capital became common knowledge in the past, the present, and [...]

Behind The Beat: Passafire, A Fans Band

Why do some bands go the extra mile to engage their fans? Why do some bands head to the merch booth, while others head to the green room or tour bus after their live set? As fans why do we expect the members of our favorite bands to be any different than us? While the [...]

Big Mountain’s Resurging Summit

The privilege of spending an entire afternoon with a world class group of musicians doesn't come around often. Receiving a message from my partner asking if I would be interested to interview a group of musicians, called Big Mountain, I showed no sign of hesitation. Realizing shortly after that I had no idea who the [...]

Backstage: A Don Carlos Story

Can you imagine the world through the eyes of a reggae legend? Can you imagine fans walking for two weeks to hear you play? Can you imagine looking out on a crowd of 150,000 fans? Can you imagine being a living witness to the many transitions in what we now call the “Reggae” genre? Everything [...]

2012 Most Anticipated Albums

Welcome to our Most Anticipated Albums of 2012! If there is any truth to the Mayan Calendar or Nostradamus’s prediction of an apocalypse in 2012, then all of us lovers of Reggae-Rock will have some pretty kick ass music to go out listening to before the world ends. We did our best to reach out [...]

2011: MP3 Leaks of the Week

Since The Pier's inception in 2007, we have been reserving every single Sunday of each week as our dedicated "MP3 Leak of the Week". It's a dedicated feature to where a FREE song is displayed to stream or download on the right hand column of our homepage. It's available for just 6 days, from Sunday [...]

Lifetime Achievement Award: FISHBONE

This past year, one of the most legendary bands to ever hit the musical stage turned twenty-five years old. Fishbone put the alternative in alternative music. Back in 1979, and the early 80s, no one performed quite like Fishbone. Countless bands have been influenced by the stage diving antics, head-thumping bass grooves, timeless music videos, [...]

Backstage: A Matisyahu Story…

The Pier was invited back stage last Saturday night on December 17th to interview Matisyahu’s band Dub Trio at The Ogden Theatre in Denver, CO. What took place backstage includes a great recap with updated photos of Matisyahu’s new look along with