Updated Exclusive Interview!

Updated Exclusive Interview!

NEW INTERVIEW UP! This week, The Pier got to interview Top Shelf to talk about their brand new album out The Sound. Take a look at what Top Shelf front man Carter Lane had to say when he sat down with our very own Norcalchika

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Interview w/Top Shelf..

  • Hailing from Ukiah, California Top Shelf is a quartet made up of members: Carter Lane (vox) , Korey Ross (guitar), Chad Goodin (bass), and Drew Nicoll (drums) known for high energy live performances and leaving fans with something special, Top Shelf lays it all on the table every time they play. Each show is a unique experience of crowd participation and one of a kind musical solos. Top Shelf has just released their 2nd full length studio album The Sound and front man Carter Lane, caught up w/The Pier to discuss their first album since the 2008 release of Time To Wake…..Go READ!