Vote The Green for TV’s Hawai’i Five-O

The Green is in the running to be featured on an upcoming episode of CBS’s Hawai’i Five-O. Not only can you enjoy “Good One” on The Pier’s Live Acoustic Series, now you have the opportunity to hear the track on prime time through the first ever Fan Built “Five-O” contest.

Fans are able to choose important elements for an upcoming episode of Hawai’i Five-O, including music. Vote for the boys from Hawai’i as many times as your fingers can click from now until February 21, 2014 by clicking HERE!
The original Hawai’i Five-O was a hit television series that ran from 1968 to 1980 and starred island icon, Jack Lord. The revitalized remake is about to conclude the fourth season and is asking for some help from the audience. Last season, Executive Producer Peter Lenkov marked a television first, with a choose-your-own-ending episode and stated he enjoys the viewer input and he’s looking forward to “see just how creative our writers can be when the key elements are chosen.”

The first phase of Fan Built Five-O, chose the crime scene at Chin Ho’s High School Reunion where a Macadamia Nut Tycoon will be the victim of a vicious five-inch stiletto attack by a struggling illusionist (we can’t make this up).

Phase 3 is time for penance where Five-O followers will select the song. The Green is currently up against indie rock duo, The Black Keys, Christian rock band, Switchfoot, and folk-soul-blues singer-songwriters of Johnnyswim. There is no question that the Honolulu-based band has a legitimate chance of being featured in the show set on the bustling Hawaiian island.

The contest’s fourth and final phase runs from March 7, 2014 through March 14, 2014 where fans will put the final touch and select the episode’s title, which will hopefully read something along the lines of “The Green Blows Away Prime Time”. After your forefinger is worn out from clicking your tired mouse button with voting for The Green, put it down and lift your thumb and pinky to give yourself a satisfying shaka.

Help to ensure quality reggae music from Hawai’i gets the attention it deserves from a show taped in the band’s home of Honolulu. VOTE HERE – VOTE NOW – VOTE 4 THE GREEN! Voting ends February 21st, 2014.


The Green Links:
The Green Website
The Green Facebook

Article by: Blake Taylor

Watch: The Green – “Good One” (The Pier’s Live Acoustic Series)