Photo Recap: The Cali Roots Meet N’ Greet

For the 3rd straight year, The Pier was honored to be selected by Dan Sheehan & Jeff Monser to host the official Artist Meet N Greets at the 5th Annual California Roots Music & Arts Festival in Monterey, CA. We hosted 9 total Meet N Greets over 3 days…


The Meet N Greets were held at The Pier booth, directly in front of the Original Stage and almost perfectly in between the Bowl & Cali-Roots stage. The biggest challenge was that our booth was right in front of the walk-way where all of the cross traffic is from fans going stage to stage in between sets. Luckily, we had the bulk of our Pier staff managing the Meet N Greets, a long with the amazing festival security that helped clear the pathway of cross traffic to allow fans to walk up to the booth. The line, at times, looked like a coiling snake, lounging in front of the Original Stage.

We had 4 different photographers, over 3 days, taking photos of the Meet N Greets & we’ve posted all the Meet N Greet Photos in a photo-album on our Facebook page that you can view by clicking HERE!

Click NEXT to read about each Meet N Greet from the festival that included: Passafire, Cisco Adler, J Boog, SOJA, Iration, Stick Figure, Pepper, The Movement, and The Green. We want to give a big thank you to YOU the fans for your patience, the artists for their time & the festival for enabling such an awesome & timeless experience…