Photo Recap: The Cali Roots Meet N’ Greet



None of these memories or Meet N Greets are possible without Dan Sheehan (Left) & Jeff Monser (Right) allowing us the opportunity. This was our 3rd straight year hosting and we love the interactions. It’s awesome to see fans walk up with artwork, posters, CDs, vinyl, hats, pictures, t-shirts and occasionally, cleavage, bongs or bags of weed, to have signed.

Once again, thank you Dan, Jeff, Amy & the whole Cali-Roots team for your enabled support. Thank you to the fans for your patience in line. Thank you to the artists for taking time out to shake hand after hand, signing poster after poster & we appreciate all of your trust in allowing us to host this year after year!

Huge thanks & acknowledgement to all of the photographers who took thousands of photos that weekend to help produce some of your timeless memories. These photographers include David Norris, Peter Monti, Adam Lyon and Matt Corkill.

View all of the Meet N Greet Photos: HERE!
