Photo Recap: The Cali Roots Meet N’ Greet

Iration. Saturday, May 24th 2014 2:00-2:30pm


Iration was the first Meet N Greet for Saturday & the coolest part of Iration’s Meet N Greet came toward the end when a fan, Stephen William, brought with him an original Live Painting that artist Al Scholl painted on stage during Iration’s & Seedless set at Cali-Roots back in 2012!

The band was kind enough to allow an extra 15minutes to their Meet N Greet and because of that, Stephen was able to get his painting signed. Iration was originally scheduled from 2:00-2:30pm and ended up concluding things at about 2:45pm. They performed 2 hours later at 4:45pm inside The Bowl.

View all Iration Meet N Greet Photos: HERE!