Updated Album Reviews

Every Monday we update our Editorials section with new Album & Music Reviews! This week we focus our radar on Jason Devores (of Authority Zero) new solo album, along with The Ambassador’s new release. See you next Monday for more album reviews updated to the site!

Jason Devore – Conviction 2 (The Crooked Path)

Crooked Path is stripped-down and soulful acoustic-guitar rock with other sonic elements, like keys, a little bass, drums and a few electric wails and riffs, sprinkled in to help generate the propulsive vibe moving through the album. However, it is DeVore’s vigorous vocals that add the most dynamic layer to the sound. Raw, ragged and comfortably rough, his singing feels like…READ MORE

-Written & Reviewed by Amber McDonald

The Ambassador – New Roots

Personally, I often separate the vocals from the instrumental aspect when listening to music. But in listening to this album, I urge listeners to think of Stephen The Ambassador Lewis’ vocals as both a musical instrument and as a channel of message communication. Without the twisting harmonies created by the voice of Stephen Lewis, the music would be pretty bland. This aspect works out in The Ambassador’s favor, especially since one of the biggest…READ MORE

-Written & Reviewed by Matt Emodi

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